
MWIS-PAIS-CALL Intersection

Page history last edited by Jane 7 years, 10 months ago

Title: Meeting Today's Needs and Tomorrow's Realities for ELT Materials



Electronic or physical books? Apps or paper? What do students, teachers, administrators, programmers or publishers prefer? This panel of materials developers, users and managers will share insights and challenges regarding e-books, digital materials and traditional books to gauge the materials conundrum in meeting today’s needs and preparing for tomorrow’s reality. (50 words)






Presenter Name Affiliation Title of Presentation  Abstract 




Jane Petring

MWIS Chair

Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, Longueuil, Quebec, Canada

Overview of Research and Resources on Electronic and Physical Book Preferences  As an introduction to this panel, the moderator will provide a brief overview of research and survey results showing current preferences, concerns, and trends related to the use of electronic and paper textbooks in educational settings.  Results from a similar survey in 2014 will be compared with 2017, and a breakdown showing preferences based on age, gender and profession for the 2017 survey. JPetring_MWIS_Intersection_TESOL2017.W.pptx   TESOL2017MWISInterSectionJPetring.pdf



Dorothy Zemach  Wayzgoose Press, Eugene, Oregon Meeting Market Needs with Self-Published Materials 

"Digital" means more than expensive Learning Management Systems that change the way teachers teach or online versions of existing textbooks. With a minimal learning curve, teachers and programs can create their own ebooks that directly target their students.  DZemach_MWIS_InterSectionTESOL2017.pptx





Marilyn Rosenthal 

Managing Director,

Syntactix International, Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania

The Role of Content in e-Learning Development

Do tomorrow’s realities in publishing threaten content as we know and love it? What compromises do we need to make to content to comply with the needs of the latest authoring templates? How do we communicate the need for content to techies who are totally concerned with format? Is it a sin to have to do a character count on our content or is it a blessing in disguise to help us make the leap to  publishing’s tomorrowland?






Dr Christine Sabieh Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Notre Dame University, Beirut, Lebanon


 What Are the Capabilities and Limitations of eBooks, OER and eBook Usage in the Classroom?  The use of e-books or Open Educational Resources in Higher Education institutions is gaining ground worldwide.  For the change to materialize, educators should evaluate educational needs and identify the inherent capabilities and limitations of electronic resources.  For the tech-trained educator, the pros and cons may balance each other, but focusing on a well-planned lesson plan that integrates e-books or OER to enhance teaching and learning is essential. This is especially true for many learning spaces in developing countries. C. Sabieh - eBooks OER MWIS PAIS CALL panel - tesol 2017.pptx
PAIS Kelly Schroeder Interim Director, Intensive English Language Program,  Fresno Pacific University, Fresno California Identifying the role of ELT Materials in an IELP
How effective is the use of ebooks in an IELP? Ebooks present their own challenges and strengths when selecting texts program-wide. A program administrator must make selections that enhance the program, provide the language support students require, and present few roadblocks for teachers trying to integrate new content into a pre-existing course. The realities of ebook integration are explored and several checklists for textbook selection are presented. KSchroeder_MWIS_InteSectionTESOL2017.pptx
PAIS Kristin Hiller

Academic Director, NYUSPS at NYU Shanghai

Shanghai, China

 Understanding and Negotiating Access to ELT Materials in China Ordering foreign-published textbooks in China takes careful planning and lengthy lead time. This can be challenging for non-credit programs with difficult-to-predict enrollments. E-books may be one answer to this problem, but they come with their own challenges, including access issues. These and other difficulties in ELT material acquisition in China are addressed, with potential solutions discussed and elicited from session participants. KHiller_MWIS-PAIS_IntersectionTESOL2017.pptx
Presenter Bios: 
Jane Petring is a permanent faculty member at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit in Longueuil, Quebec and the 2017 Laureate for the AQPC (Association Qubécoise de Pédagogie Collégiale) Teaching Award.  She has an MA in TESOL and Applied Linguistics from Michigan State University, and is the author of 11 ESL Textbooks, 6 of which are available in electronic format,  published by Les Éditions CEC. She is a frequent presenter at TESOL and other conferences and is currently the Materials Writers Interest Section Chair.  TESOL2017MWISInterSectionJPetring.pdf    TESOL2017MWISInterSectionJPetring.pdf
Dorothy Zemach is a teacher trainer, author, writer, and editor based in Oregon, USA. She holds an MA in TESL from the School for International Training in Vermont, USA. After teaching ESL and foreign languages for over 25 years, she now concentrates on writing materials and conducting teacher-training workshops. Her areas of specialty and interest are teaching writing, teaching reading, business English, academic English, testing, and humor.

A prolific author and editor of ELT textbooks, Dorothy has penned everything from the Teddy Bear’s Magic Music teacher’s book to the lowest and highest levels of Macmillan's flagship course Open Mind to the groundbreaking English for Scammers (self-published). In 2012 she founded a micropress, Wayzgoose Press (http://wayzgoosepress.com), that publishes fiction, literary non-fiction, and ELT materials.

Marilyn Rosenthal is a self-proclaimed Idiot Savant in ESL/ELT.  Armed with her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Georgetown University, she has been able to provide a comprehensive approach to all aspects of  the field.  Dr. Rosenthal has been a teacher, a teacher trainer, a textbook writer and editor, and an online curriculum and course developer, as well as a project manager. 

She has written and edited more than 200 ESL/ELT  titles and has worked for OUP, McGraw-Hill, and Pearson, among the major publishers.  And she still loves the field!

Dr. Christine Sabieh,  Professor at Notre Dame University, has held administrative positions in the main English-speaking universities in Lebanon. Her current research topics include Flipped Learning, Problem-Based-Learning, e-Learning, OER, Teaching & LEarning, and Assessment.  Christine served on TESOL’s CALL-IS Steering Committee & is an active contributor to TESOL-J & TESOLArabia activities & publications. Christine is the next CALL-IS Chair Elect. 
Kelly Schroeder is the director of the Intensive English Language Program at Fresno Pacific University in Fresno, California. She has taught English and conducted teacher training in the US (both university and community college), Lithuania, Lebanon, and Syria. She has developed curricula for IEP, EAP, ESP (the agricultural industry), and is currently developing a beginning literacy program for refugees. A former elementary teacher, her research interests include teacher cognition in language education and the linguistic landscape. She is an active member of her local Saroyan CATESOL chapter and regularly hosts local conferences. She received her bachelor’s degree from Northern Arizona University, her master’s degree in TESOL from Fresno Pacific University and is in a TESOL doctoral program at Anaheim University.
Dr. Kristin Hiller is the academic director at the NYU School of Professional Studies (NYUSPS) at NYU Shanghai. She has taught English, developed curricula, trained teachers, directed programs, and/or advised students in the USA, China, Korea, Russia, and Syria. She identifies as a critical applied linguist with research interests in the internationalization of higher education, translanguaging in higher education, teaching and learning in intercultural contexts, and curriculum design in adult professional and continuing education. An active member of TESOL International Association and a frequent presenter at the annual convention, she has served two terms as chair of the Program Administration Interest Section and as an appointed member of the TESOL Interest Section Task Force. She holds a B.A. in linguistics and Russian language and literature, an M.A. in TESOL, and a PhD in linguistics.KHiller_MWIS-PAIS_IntersectionTESOL2017.pptx






Comments (1)

Dr. Christine Sabieh said

at 4:17 am on Jul 20, 2016

Christine Sabieh:
Dr. Christine Sabieh, Professor at Notre Dame University, is an American who lives in Lebanon. Through her teaching, administrative posts, and research, she keeps up her interest in Language teaching, Educational Technology and Educational Psychology. An advocate of CALL and a Certified On-Line Instructor/Trainer, she does education consultancy, conducts workshops, publishes, and participates in conferences on a national, regional and international level. She is a member of TESOL, served as a CALL-IS Steering Committee member, and has been an active contributor to TESOL Arabia activities and publications. Dr. Sabieh also serves as Testing SIG member-at-large Committee member.

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